Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Edward Hopper

Film Noir, a cinematic term used to describe Hollywood based crime dramas. Dramas that consist of cynical attitudes and sexual motivation. Film Noir started in the 1940's till the 1950's mainly associated with hints of black, greys and whites. Film Noir has German expressionist cinematography. Many Film Noir stories derive from the hard-boiled school of crime and fiction that emerged from the U.S in the depression.

The Nighthawk painting is probably the most famous painting in the art world. Edward Hopper was the pioneer who created this painting. Hoppers paintings where current to the time period, his work became an influentional aspect into the development of film Noir. However this gave way to the film noir era, the detective and his sidekick, the girl and the common location. In this painting we see two detectives, a woman and the diner waiter. There is no real story within the painting, its more of an open for interpretation kind of painting, with the use of light and shadow. I think that the main detective with the woman his had an arguement with this sidekick, but being the higher ranked out of the two the main detective has the attention of the woman and possibly the waiter.

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